Property investors and professional landlords on buy to let portfolios are increasingly being asked by lenders to sign Personal Guarantees to secure their funds.
As lenders tighten their lending requirements, the traditional security of the bricks and mortar that you’re buying is often no longer enough to satisfy them.
As interests rates increase, and property prices face an uncertain future, lenders are asking landlords who run a property owning limited company as Directors to guarantee mortgages with their own assets.
By signing a Personal Guarantee, the Director is placing his or her personal estate at risk; if the property business fails, the lender can seek recoveries against outstanding mortgage amounts owe from the Director personally.
Partnering with Purbeck Insurance Services, we are pleased to present a solution that can take the burden off landlords and provide some peace of mind.
Professional Landlord Personal Guarantee Insurance (PGI)
Professional Landlord PGI is an annual insurance policy that provides Directors with insurance cover in the event the mortgage provider calls on their Personal Guarantee following the failure of the property business.
Key features include:
- Competitive premiums and cover available please refer to the examples on the next page
- All polices are backed by an A-rated leading insurer
- Full quotation in minutes using our online quote and buy system or via telephone with one of our specialist advisors
- Policy will indemnify up to 80% of the personal guarantee
obligations - Multiple guarantors can be included on the policy schedule
To start a Quotation, click the button below and find out if you can Insure your personal assets.